Bill Stedman
A firefighter and EMT since 1995, Bill Stedman has a passion for teaching self-defense. “Empowering students in a short amount of time with skills that could be potentially life- saving is extremely rewarding.” Bill is a certified partner with SAFE International Self Defense and is proud of his contribution in empowering women and men in the greater Milwaukee area and beyond. SAFE teaches 13,000 high school students per year in over 80 high schools, in college and corporate environments, as well as women’s self-defense parties. SAFE International heavily focuses on awareness/avoidance, then verbal and physical strategies. Bill has consistently developed his acumen over the last 36 years, both in the field of martial arts and various other methodologies of practical self-defense.
- Certified Partner SAFE International Self-Defense
- BLS Certified American Heart Association
- CPR/First Aid Certified Red Cross
- Tacfit Certified through RMAX (Scott Sonnon) Instructor for first responders
- EMT Basic Certified
- Paramedic Certified
- Certified Firefighter 1 &2
- Instructed for Date Safe Project (Can I Kiss You through Mike Domnitrz)
- Volunteer workshops for Racine Coalition Against Human Trafficking
- Featured on Channel 49 WMLW, Racine self-defense segments
- Conducts multiple college and high school self-defense workshops in Southeastern Wisconsin
- Conducted workshops to benefit the food pantry of Sussex, Wisconsin
- Worked with various groups, Hmong community, Girl Scouts, etc., tailoring self -defense to their needs.
- WCTC EMS/Fire Instructor
- Martial arts student for over 36 years (Tae kwon Do, Kempo and various other modalities.)